Osteopathy is a healthcare approach that emphasizes the use of hands-on manual therapy techniques to improve health and help fight disease. It is practiced in Canada, the USA, the European Union, and Australia. Here in Ontario, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners collaborate with all medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, dentists, massage therapists and physio therapists to maximize your recovery. We are well recognized by all of the major extended health insurance plans and treatments are most often fully covered.
Osteopathic principles teach that hands on treatment of the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles and joints), along with the viscera (organs and related tissues) and craniosacral system, stimulates the recuperative powers of the body to fight the disease or chronic issues on its own, without the use or less use of pharmaceutical drugs. If you feel that your body should be able to heal your condition or if you are just not seeing improvement from the conventional medicines and therapies, Osteopathy can help!
Here at South Sudbury Wellness, the most commonly treated dysfunctions are musculoskeletal problems such as back and neck pain. In fact, it is our specialty in Osteopathy to increase mobility of the spine and free the nerves roots associated with each vertebrae safely, gently, and efficiently. Although Osteopathy is very fast at helping back and neck pain, it is not contained to these issues. Many patients are referred by your local Sudbury doctors to see our Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, and owner of South Sudbury Wellness, Mr. Jason Brandow DOMP to help with everything from Headaches and Migraines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Asthma, Gastric Reflux/Heartburn, as well as countless other chronic conditions listed below.